A bill of rights for child care workers in Canada

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By Education Today

Posted on January 13, 2021


1 min read

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/CNW/ TORONTO, April 13, 2022 – According to a recent analysis produced by experts at the University of Toronto, Canada’s child care profession need a bill of rights integrated in forthcoming federal legislation.

“Governments throughout Canada frequently ignore the individuals who provide care in the quest to reduce parent payments and enhance access. However, the success of Canada’s new early learning and child care system will be determined by the quality of its personnel “Dr. Emis Akbari, one of the report’s authors, agrees.

“The quality of programming where young children spend their days and the status of the early childhood education staff are linked,” the research states. “Educators’ work settings can encourage or inhibit educational practises, just as children’s environments can support or hinder their learning.”

Backfilling empty posts, as well as hiring an extra 32,000 educators and support personnel, is a top priority for a sector hit hard by COVID, which has lost up to 21% of its workforce. Efforts to recruit and retain instructors, however, have been fruitless.