Innovative strategies for conducting exams amid COVID-19

Covid -19 Pandemic had a deep impact on worldwide functioning. It has changed the worlds existing or traditional working systems in all areas including Education Sector and online teaching and learning became the new normal complying to the norms of digital education.
Covid 19 has brought a revolutionary change in Education. It has been a great challenge to the teachers adopting new techniques and methods of teaching and equally trying for the students getting adapted to online teaching.
We all have come out as winners overcoming the obstacles and continuing with teaching & learning process effectively with quality personal touch.
Online platforms like Google, Zoom and Skype are commonly used while working from home.
Our school chose option of pre-recorded video links through You Tube for Virtual Teaching. Weekly Doubt Solving sessions were conducted on Zoom.
Conducting Online Exams was a challenging task as one may lose the essence. But with the correct use of technology we have successfully overcome the hurdles.
Being a CBSE school the platforms like SHIKSHA and SAKSHAM were made available by the CBSE Board to all the teachers as technical aid.
CBSE has conducted various Online Teachers Training Workshops where the teachers were made aware of various methods and techniques for Online Assessments.
Parents Whats App Groups were formed to circulate important circulars, portion papers, assessments schedules well in advance.
In order to access learners progress, identify learning gaps, offer remedial and accelerated learning, exams are conducted online through Google form.
To ensure that students don’t cheat from internet or textbooks, questions are designed in such a way that involves thinking and application of concepts.
Most of the assessments are activity based like making a puzzle, singing, speech designing etc. which brings out the Originality and creativity of the students.
Extra time was given for uploading answers depending on weightage of marks. For example, An hour extra was given beyond actual 3 hours for uploading.
Constructive feedback is given through Google form for each question. Scores were also released through Google Forms Feedbacks were given question wise through the form itself while releasing the score