Impact of Digital Media on Morden Education System

With the advent and influence of technology in education, we are seeing many innovative changes in teaching methodologies of educational institutes these days. Educational institutions are improving their systems to enhance academic rigour. Universities are using social media in the teaching learning process to find new added by creating relevant learning opportunities among students.
The use of social media has opened the way for the development of the new educational system. Students often share their thoughts and knowledge on social media. On the other hand, scholars are offering online tutorials and collecting valuable information through social media.
In today’s connected world, the impact of social network on education is attracting a lot of attention. This is a powerful factor to gain a competitive advantage over peer institutions. The world is flattened as the influence of digital technology increases. This has changed educational technology.
The influence of social media on education is increasing day by day. It is becoming the new hope of obtaining knowledge for a student. It is changing their entire educational experience. The advent of digital media technologies has increased the number of educational programs.
In the digital world, the learner is very different. They think and act differently. New generation learners are more interconnected and better informed.
The positive impact of digital media, makes it easy to collaborate with geographically dispersed teams on project assignments via social media. Student can share and disseminate assignments by creating groups on WhatsApp and Facebook, or using hashtags on Twitter. This can also be achieved through communication tools such as email, but social, media offers an interesting form of two-way conversation.
Knowledge is affecting at an escalating rapidity with the usage of digital media in education.
Disadvantages of digital media is also having a negative impact on learners. They are getting addicted to this medium. Students spend a lot of their time on social networks. They deviate from their true purpose in life and become common place on social media. It is taking them away from the benefits of reading books and limiting the potential of their creative thinking.
Students cannot work independently to produce valuable content. Excessive use of social media distorts communication skills. They fail to frame grammatically correct sentences during communication. As a result, the other person does not understand the real context of the conversation.
In the field of education, the acceptance of social media has created a number of educational challenges. Whether these things are completely negative to the social order is yet to be seen, but there are certainly some benefits of social media that confidently influences students’ outcomes.
In the current pandemic situations, the digital technologies, teachers are able to get better participation of their students in studies and learning. Technological skills contribute to the development of superior intelligence when working together in the class room capabilities facilitate huge intellect of cooperation in the classroom and generate high-quality communication skills. The usefulness of digital media depends on how people use them.
Digital media has become a powerful tool for communication and it connecting, communicating, creating, and learning among students. The Internet of things (IoT) has radically transformed the condition of education in the country over the past few years. Digitalization introduced modern pedagogy both in and outside the classroom.
Technologies of the 21st century are fundamentally changing our lives. It is hard to imagine life without smartphones and internet. The Indian government is also pushing the agenda of integrating technology into education at all levels through its Digital India program.
Educational entities are moving from traditional mediums of teaching to more sophisticated methodologies involving the use of digital media technologies. Institutes are gradually introducing digital practices. Computer-based learning is widely used in education. Examinations are no longer limited to pen and paper. It is also not about learning how to read, write, and collect curriculum.
Digital media is the new engine of change today. The exponential growth of technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, etc. has a significant impact on the development on education. These growth drivers are also changing employment dynamics as new skills and understanding are required to meet the future demands of the job industry. That is why educational institutes are compelled to incorporate digitization in the learning process to impart critical thinking, innovation, collaboration and problem-solving traits in students. The curriculum should also focus on innovations in technology and the general skills required to deal with modern businesses.
Such transformational changes due to digital media are bound to take education to a higher level.
Social media is a big part of our day-to-day life and there’s no point of keeping it away from the education process. School, college and university staff should be encouraged to make use of technology for student and parent communication. The benefits are starting with healthier parent-teacher relationships and all the way to permanently changing the way our children will learn.