Impact of Culture on Education

Education is regarded as an important instrument that establishes the foundation upon which livelihoods opportunities of the individuals are enhanced. In the present existence, the individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and backgrounds have recognized the significance of education and aspire to enrich their education skills. The acquisition of education and development of literacy skills augments the skill and abilities of the individuals to get engaged in the implementation of various tasks and functions. With in educational institutions at all levels to carry out one’s job duties in an appropriate manner and when students are dedicated towards achievement of academic goals, they need to recognize the impact on culture on education. Culture and education are in separable and they are regarded as two sides of the same coin. Every human society devotes considerable time and resources towards augmenting knowledge among individuals regarding cultural education. Acknowledgement of culture in the field of education helps in enrichment of the overall system of education.
Cultural and Instructional System at all levels of education, curriculum and instructional system are regarded to be of utmost significance. It is a major job duty of the heads, principals, and educators to ensure that curriculum and instructional systems are put into operation in an efficient manner and should be able to benefit the students in the achievement of academic goals. With the changes in the cultural traits, the curriculum and instructional systems are also undergoing changes. The learning has become student-centred learning. Students are becoming more communicative in nature, primarily within the educational institutions. Educators are promoting group projects. In this manner students are able to work in groups, interact with their fellow students, augment their understanding of the concepts and are able to achieve academic goals. Therefore, through the impact of culture transformations are brought about in the curriculum and instructional systems.
The overall functioning of the educational institutions and disciplines are also influenced by cultures. The implementation of programs, courses, teaching, teaching-learning methods and instructional strategies are influenced by cultures. The students get enrolled into educational institutions to learn and achieve academic goals. In order to argument their understanding of various aspects and achieve academic goals, they need to acquire an efficient understanding of cultural traits. The first and foremost aspect is, students need to develop effective communication skills and maintain good terms and relationships with other individuals, particularly their teachers and fellow students. When they are selecting a discipline, the cultural pattern of thinking, interests, abilities and living conditions have a direct impact. The discipline that is selected by the individuals is based upon various factors, as it influences their overall quality of lives. Therefore, it can be stated that educational institutions provide an environment, which helps in promoting, reforming and moulding the cultural patterns within society. The information in the term of cultural traits is acquired by the individuals through one’s family and educational institutions.
In textbooks and reading materials too apart, from academic concepts, information needs to be provided regarding culture values. For instance, in elementary schools and secondary schools, in English and Hindi lesson plans, students are provided information in terms of morality and ethics. The students acquire an efficient understanding regarding the concepts in lesson plans. Students are required to implement in their daily lives. In this manner, textbooks and reading materials inculcate cultural values among individuals, educators and students.
Education can promote inter cultural understanding regarding various cultures. In educational institutions individuals are different from each other in terms of factors such as, cast, creed, race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender and socio-economic background. It is vital that all individuals should be provided with similar opportunities and there should not be any kind of discrimination on the basis of any factors. In schools inter-cultural understanding is promoted among students. They are taught the significance of other cultures. There is usually celebration of all festivals in schools. It has been observed that pictures and art works are displayed on walls of the schools, inter-cultural understanding helps the students to generate the awareness in terms of various norms, values, ethics, morals, and principles of other cultures and religions. When they are able to generate sufficient awareness, they able to form effective communication, and good terms and relationships with others. It indispensable for the individuals to establish inter-culture understanding to accomplish personal and professional goals.
Cultural education enables the individuals to implement the traits of morality and ethics. When individuals acquire the cultural education, they are able to acknowledge other ideas., values, norms, viewpoints and perspectives. When they form positive viewpoints and feel they will be beneficial to them, then they appreciate the cultures. Whereas, in some cases, certain viewpoints and perspective do not prove to be favourable to the individuals. In such cases, they do not take them into consideration. When a person is cultured then he regards education to be of utmost significance. The cultured individuals are the ones, who pay adequate attention towards the implementation of their work duties with wholeheartedness. They inculcate the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and righteousness. They possess awareness in terms of honesty, truthfulness and righteousness. They deal with other individuals, within as well as outside the home with decorum and demureness. They implement their tasks and functions in an efficient manner. There for, it can be stated that when the individuals acknowledge these factors, they are not only able to achieve their desired objectives, but also acquire appreciation from the other individuals.
In educational institutions, cultural education is regarded as significant in enabling the individuals to acquire an efficient understanding of academic concepts and achieving personal and professional goals. Through cultural education, the individuals are able to acquire information is terms of norms, values, principles, ethics, morals, and standards. Inclusion of these traits would help the individuals turn into effectual citizens of the country. The cultural development of individuals takes place to three stages. These are from birth to 10 years, 10 to 14 years and 14 to 18 years. The cultural education proves to be beneficial to the individuals in achievement of personal and professional goals and enhancing their living conditions.