ntegrative Studies: Preparing Students for the Future

The Education Leaders’ Symposium, with the topic “Integrative Studies and the Future of Learning,” was held today at Singapore Management University (SMU). The one-day conference’s main goal was to give teachers the knowledge they need to implement integrative methodologies in their classrooms in order to encourage students to enroll in the SMU College of Integrative Studies programme for integrative learning (CIS).
Guest of Honor Mr. Chan Chun Sing, Minister of Education, attended the Symposium and addressed the audience via a pre-recorded message. In his remarks, Mr. Chan offered his congratulations to SMU on the official opening of its Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (CIS). The CIS is a crucial component of SMU Vision 2025, which outlines essential targets aligning the University with Singapore’s and Asia’s future requirements.
According to Professor Elvin Lim, Dean of the College of Integrative Studies, “CIS graduates will chart their own path, unlike graduates of conventional schools where there is a more predictable pathway. They will be particularly well-placed to take up employment in the frontier roles of modern industries.” In his keynote talk, Professor Lim emphasised the necessity to redefine and modernise the concept of “specialisation” for the post-industrial period. The symposium’s theme was “Redefining Specialization for the Post-Industrial Age.” A panel discussion about the composite skills that employers are seeking in tomorrow’s people, how the future of work will change for the public and private sectors, and what this means for the future of education and learning was another focus of the Symposium. The panellists comprised Associate Professor Lieven Demeester, Associate Provost (Teaching & Learning Innovation), SMU, Mr. Ong Tze Ch’in, 2 Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Sustainability and Environment, Mr. Loh Wee Lee, CEO, Lazada Singapore, and others.