Why Are Young People Leaving India?

The Indians, who have gone through many stages of exile, are now at a crucial turning point in their lives. After China, India is the second largest country to send students abroad every year. Our demographics are of high potential. The average age in India is 28 years. 34% of the population is under 20 years of age. An educated population in such a country should become India’s greatest asset. But that is not what is happening in our country. Why are students choosing international colleges and universities for study?
Where he should study for graduation or post-graduation is a question that arises at some point in the life of every student. A majority of students choose to study abroad because the prospect of a foreign degree, exposure to other cultures, better research opportunities and associated professional rewards are equally attractive while studying in India.
Moreover, the social environment that does not change with time, gender prejudices and political activities that do not inspire any hope are reasons for students to leave India. Students are increasingly drawn to study abroad as the virtual world at their fingertips introduces them to a more free and expansive life abroad.
Benefits of studying abroad
- Career opportunities
By graduating from a reputed foreign institution, students get a quality education that is valued and recognized in every corner of the world. Students will also have the opportunity to find a position in that country that is relevant to their studies. It secures their future. A student gets many benefits by studying at Foregin University. Earning a degree from abroad opens up great job opportunities in any part of the world. Not only that, after studying you also get better-paying jobs in your own country.
- Quality of Education
Compared to education in India, the possibilities of studying foreign subjects are more. Many Indian students struggle to find employment after graduation and remain unemployed. While it is true that the quality of education in India is improving, more work needs to be done in this area. The problem is never with the student but with the Indian education system, which prioritises memorization of facts over conceptual understanding. Education that is limited to textbooks alone cannot improve learning. Another truth is that teachers in our country do not understand it.
In the education system abroad, a lot of emphasis is placed on innovation and creative thinking, which naturally boosts the student’s self-esteem and confidence. Studying abroad sharpens a student’s soft skills and lets them focus on their interests.
In India, in terms of finances, facilities and resources, there are very few institutions that support students who wish to pursue research.
- Flexible Curriculum
One of the biggest trends in India is the emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) courses. There are limited opportunities for students interested in pursuing other fields of study. Even if they offer the course they want, the institution lacks the knowledge and qualifications to prepare students for a more lucrative career path.
Universities Abroad offer a well-structured open curriculum, these world-class institutions are ranked among the top institutions by QS and Times Higher Education. Students studying in these institutions have excellent faculty members who teach and facilitate access to rich global resources. Hence, these students are likely to have better prospects in their professional journey.
- Scholarships
A wide range of opportunities for students in India is made possible through scholarships. Scholarships range from private scholarships awarded by businesses and philanthropists to scholarships awarded by various governments and educational institutions to support research production.
- Research Opportunities
The advanced research possibilities are more readily available in other countries than India. Especially in countries like the United States and the United Kingdom. This is the main reason why Indian students go abroad. Most Indian students graduate and continue in academia as professors or find work as a teacher or related fields.
- International Exposure
In today’s competitive world, the students who get international exposure will have the edge over the rest. Studying abroad introduces students to new cultures, diversities, languages, and geographies and acclimates them to different environments. Studying in an international environment prepares students to be independent in managing and solving their affairs independently. It teaches students to manage all aspects of life be it finances, health, social life, work life or education. It also helps them develop a global perspective towards modern challenges in their career and life in general and motivates them to come up with innovative solutions.
The international education system emphasises understanding the individual characteristics of students. It offers different programs to meet the needs of students according to their abilities and interests and enables academically backward children to choose career paths according to their interests.
Students are interested in studying in first-world countries like the US, UK, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and Australia. The main reason is that these countries encourage a culture of part-time work while studying. It not only gives students the opportunity to explore their interests, talents and strengths, but also provides financial independence, enabling them to learn on the job and on the path to work. International organisations have internships and training programs as an important component of their curriculum, which gives students a better understanding of various job-related factors and helps students improve their professional and social skills.
The biggest failure of the universities in our country is the attitude of the authorities toward the students. If you look at the attitude of the staff in the universities, it seems that they treat the students as second-class citizens. If we approach universities for urgent certificate matters, they fulfil the requirement usually only after months of delay. Missing answer sheets, updating the same marks without checking answer sheets during revaluation, not issuing certificates to students on time, and bad behaviour etc are also reasons to makes students leave India and opt for abroad universities. But in the foregin countries university authorities treat students with great respect. That is why students go abroad to study and search for better education and facilities.
Add to that is the fact that India is disappointing the young generation in terms of job opportunities, salaries and education standards. Therefore, if the deficiencies of the education sector in India are not identified and addressed, India will become a land of unskilled people.