Canada Extends Post-Graduate Work Permits by 18 Months

The government of Canada announced that foreign graduates with work permits that have recently expired or are about to expire would be able to remain in the country for an additional 18 months. Current holders of post-graduate work permits will have the option to extend their visas beginning on April 6. Foreign nationals whose PGWP expired in 2023 as well as those whose visas have already been extended or who are entitled to do so under a similar scheme announced in 2022 may also apply for extensions.
By the end of 2022, there were over 286,000 foreign graduates in Canada who had a valid post-graduation work permit. Over 127,000 PGWPs are expected to expire in 2023, according to IRCC. Of these, 67,000 have already sought for permanent residence; therefore, they won’t need to use this effort to extend their work permits. In order to opt in, eligible visa holders must log onto their immigration account, according to a notification they will receive from IRCC. Extending permits will provide foreign graduates the chance to accumulate more Canadian work experience, which could open the door to eventual permanent residency. According to IRCC, immigrants might account for half of Canada’s population within the next ten years and will soon account for 100% of the country’s labour force growth.