ASBM presents Summer Carnival 2K23

Albedo School of Business Management is a self-standing ISO 29990:2010 certified autonomous institution founded in 2012, with a vision to ensure knowledge enhancement through e-learning platform. The journey in the education field has broaden the scope of A.S.B.M from E-learning education to regular programs and curriculum developers. The unique education methodology through integrated short-term courses would be of great advantage to those who look forward in achieving early success in their life & career.
With a mission to widen our purview to discrete domains of life and cater to the upliftment of adolescents by equipping them with basic survival and life skills inevitable for thriving in real life environment, we came up with a flagship project for school students during their summer vacation period.
Based on the core life skills required for positive and progressive life as enumerated by the WHO, Albedo School of Business Management, designed a 7-day summer programme project for school students of the age category 11 years to 15 years to be conducted in two parts, encompassing different life skill workshop sessions to make aspirants learn through experience, activities and expert sessions. The sessions are in short, unique interactive practical modes to understand, imbibe and impart life skills.
Summer Programme designed for 7 days is based on activity, lecturing and demonstration mode of delivering the sessions and the admissible crowd span is 30 or 35 school students of the age category 10 years to 15 years, since the expected outcome of the programme is focused on participation of each student in the activities framed for life skill workshop. The schedule of the same will be:
Day 1:
Session I – Basics of Management (2 hours 45 minutes)
Session II: Financial Briefing (2 hours 15 minutes)
Day 2:
Session I: Soft Skills and Personal Excellence (2 hours 30 minutes)
Session II: Digital and Emotional Wellness (3 hours 30 minutes)
Day 3:
Session: Electrical (6 hours)
Day 4:
Session: Cooking (5 hours)
Day 5:
Session: Carpentry (6 hours)
Day 6:
Session: Plumbing (6 hours)
Day 7:
Session: General Safety and Risk Management (5 hours)
Total session hours: 39 hours
Social Responsibility Activity: 1 hour 30 minutes
Month: April-May
Location: Kochi
For registration, contact +91 8157949740, +91 9567797542