Coaching Facilities Overlook Critical Thinking & Comprehensive Education – IIT Expert

According to an IIT Delhi expert, The “evils” of the coaching culture in India are clearly stated in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. A part headed “Transforming Assessment for Student Development” aims to do away with coaching culture through a number of clauses. In fact, any conversation about admissions to India’s top universities cannot without bringing up the “coaching” sector, which has grown significantly over the past few decades. It is simply insane to think that changing the current coaching culture can tackle the underlying issues it presents, regardless of whether the new valuation procedures for admissions use selection-of-few or elimination-of-many.
After all, “coaching” began as a business, much like any other investment business that sells promises and ambitions of acquiring material wealth. Additionally, cultural constraints and parental or personal aspirations have pushed uncritical acceptance of the coaching culture in our society, much as hopeful investors lack the ability to discriminate between a legitimate venture and a Ponzi scam. Whatever the “new” evaluation system may be, the coaching culture simply adjusts to it. It is crucial to acknowledge that coaching culture will inevitably exist in many fields (not just education) as a means of realizing aspirations. Because coaching culture provide a different path to literacy (misinterpreted as education), they take precedence over the traditional educational system, making them all the more dangerous. This has no room for holistic development.