Results of the CBSE Class 10th and 12th Supplementary Exams: Check these Websites for Scorecard

The Class 10, 12 supplementary exam results will be made public soon by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). The official CBSE website and a few other websites managed by the government will announce the results. Candidates will need to input their relevant information, such as their roll number or date of birth, in order to verify their scorecards.
When made available, the following websites allow applicants to view their supplementary exam results:
Class 10’s supplementary test took place from July 17 to July 22, while class 12’s exam was taken on July 17. This time, close to 16.9 lakh students signed up to take the test. The overall Class 12 pass rate is 87.33 percent, which is a decrease from the previous year. As many as 93.12% of Class 10 students passed the CBSE test, a decrease of 1.28 percentage points from the previous year.