Delhi University Announces Admission Schedule for UG Courses

The University of Delhi on August 1 released the schedule for allocation-cum-admission for all undergraduate programmes of all colleges of the University of Delhi for the academic session 2024-25. Candidates can visit the official website for full schedule —
In this phase, candidates who have registered for admission in phase one can choose their preferred programmes and college combinations.
Commencement of phase II of CSAS
Following the National Testing Agency’s (NTA) announcement of the results of the Common University Entrance Test, Undergraduate (CUET UG), Delhi University has stated that Phase-II of the Common Seat Allocation System, Undergraduate 2024 (CSAS UG) will begin on August 1.
Subject to meeting the eligibility requirements, candidates who successfully finished Phase 1 must access their dashboard at to select the programs and college combinations of their choice.
The University has chosen to keep both phases available until 4:59 p.m. on August 7, so candidates who have not yet registered on the CSAS portal can still do so. Phases I and II will end at 4:59 p.m. on August 7, and candidates’ preferences that they have saved or submitted will automatically lock when the deadline of August 9 at 5 p.m. arrives.
The candidates will need to map the subjects they learned in Class 12 to the subjects they appeared in CUET 2024 in Phase II. Only CUET papers from candidates who passed their Class 12 board exam will be taken into consideration.
Applicants should consult the information bulletin for specifics on subject similarities. The candidate alone will be in charge of providing accurate subject mapping. In this case, the university’s decision is final and enforceable. Additionally, there will be no subject mapping for the CUET UG 2024 General Test.
Candidates who have already enrolled for Phase 1 of the CSAS have a rectification window open from July 30 to August 4 (11:59 pm). The program and college preference form will be accessible from August 1 through August 7 until 4:59 p.m. On August 9, at 5:00 p.m., the auto lock of preference will be completed. On August 11 at 5:00 p.m., the Simulated Ranks will be announced. Candidates will then have until Monday, August 12 to modify their preferences. On August 16, the initial list of CSAS seat allocations will be released.
The later phases involve fee payment and verification by the college online upon acceptance. Applicants may use the provided image as a guide:

Public awareness webinars
The university’s admission branch has built up several help desks, including an email system and a chatbot, to answer questions from potential students. Help desks are also provided at different colleges. Visit, the university’s admissions webpage, for additional information.
A series of webinars will be held by the Admission Branch to help candidates with the admissions process even further. These seminars will address important themes, including how to map Class 12 subjects to CUET papers and how to fill out preferences. The inaugural webinar is set to take place live on the university’s official YouTube channel, UnivofDelhi, on Friday, August 02 at 12:00 noon.
Candidates are encouraged to read the Undergraduate Bulletin of Information 2024 and the CSAS 2024 rules. Regular updates can be found on the university’s admission website. For more information, candidates can visit:
— Undergraduate Bulletin of Information 2024 —
— Common Seat Allocation System 2024 —
— Admission website—
— CSAS Registration Link —