Check Scholarships for UG Courses at IIT BHU

Indian Institute of Technology, BHU provides scholarships to worthy and deserving students every year. While some are college fee concessions, others come as direct benefit transfers to the students’ bank accounts.
List of Scholarships and Eligibility
- Merit-cum-Means Institute scholarship: 25% of undergraduate students are eligible for this type of funding from the institute. In addition, the Institute offers other endowment scholarships. Additional resources for undergraduate students include scholarships, institute studentships, reimbursement for mess fees, and pocket allowances for students from Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Scheduled Castes (SC). All non-sponsored students accepted into MTech/MPharm programs receive financial aid equal to Junior Research Fellowships. Many Junior/Senior Research Fellowships are available from the Institute to students accepted into PhD programs. Scholarships are being sought after for all qualified applicants accepted into PhD programs.
- 2. BTech/BPharm/IDD and IMD: The institute offer merit cum means scholarships to the BTech/BPharm/IDD and IMD students.
Top Class Education Scheme for SC students
– The Scheme of Top Class Education for SC students has been selected for implementation through NSP.
– No applications for the grant of scholarship would be entertained without an Aadhaar number and the number should also be seeded with the bank account of the beneficiaries.
– In case of any queries from the ministry, mail can be sent to the following mail ID
– The student has to obtain/enroll for the Aadhaar number (if not obtained earlier). Get the Aadhaar number seeded with his/her respective bank account.
– Students shortlisted by the Institute must register on the National Scholarship Portal and apply for the scholarship, filling in details in the common application form on the portal and obtaining an ID number.
– Submit the caste and income certificates to the authorities of the institute for verification.
Students can know the status of their applications by quoting their ID number on the portal.
3. National Fellowship and Scholarship for Higher Education of ST Students (Formally Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship for ST Students)
4. State Scholarships (Pratibha Scholarships)
5. Endowment Scholarships (N C Jain Scholarship to First year BTech/IDD/IMD students)
6. Previous scholarships:
Intranet Links for MTech/MPharm and IDD/IMD Students’ Stipend Application Forms.
– Intranet links for first-year BTech/IDD/IMD students to apply for the N C Jain Scholarship.
From the 2016–17 fiscal year onward, the Aadhaar Card is required in order to receive any kind of government subsidy, including scholarships and fellowships.
– Notification of the 2016–17 UP scholarship.
– Requesting online submissions for the 2016–17 Promotion of Science Education (POSE) Scholarship program.
Concerning the FAEA Scholarship from the Foundation for Academic Excellence and Access.
Concerning the Aadhar Card for applicants seeking online scholarships in 2015–16
– Guidelines for the National Fellowship and Scholarship for Higher Education for ST Students in the Central Sector.
Scholarship from the Cognizant Foundation for the academic year 2014–15.
A letter about direct benefit transfers from the principal secretary to the prime minister.
Scholarships under the J & K Special Scholarship Scheme-reg to Jammu and Kashmiri students who meet the requirements.
– A Foundation for Excellence Scholarship.
– The Mumbai BHU Alumni Association Scholarship.
– Merit cum Means based scholarship of the government of India for the Minority Communities Students pursuing Technical and Professional Education 2014-15.