Guest Column

Unleash your thoughts and share your wisdom with our diverse community! This platform provides a space for you to express or publish their creative ideas and project papers. Submit your articles and be part of a platform that celebrates the richness of ideas. Join us in fostering a community where everyone's story is heard and valued. Your words have the power to inspire, inform, and connect with others. Start sharing your insights today!  

Guidelines for Article Submission

  • Article must be submitted in Word format (not in PDF format)
  • The maximum word length of the article is 1000 words.
  • Use maximum 3 images/charts/graphics with article (only if required).
  • Ensure a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • Use headings and subheadings to organize content.
  • All images should be high resolution with at least 300 dpi and should be provided in separate jpeg files.
  • The author’s name, designation, company, email ID, and photo should be provided at the time of submission.
  • Short biography of the author, which does not exceed 10 lines.

    Max. File Size : 2MB. Upload filetype (.docx, .doc) extension only.

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