Why Digital Literacy is Important to Education?

In the past few years, the definition of literacy has changed drastically. A person was considered literate in the past if they could read and write at a basic level. Now with advancements in technology and the internet, literacy has evolved into digital literacy.
Before pandemic many teachers are enthusiastic about incorporating technology into their lesson plans. However, not all teachers welcome the introduction of laptops and tablets into their classrooms.
Covid-19 pandemic completely changed the existing education system in the world. All teaching became mediated by digital technologies as a result of the crisis’s many changes. When schools were closed because of pandemic the teachers had no other options but to change their classrooms to online learning platforms. It was a critical global incident.
Before pandemic teachers and students, it must be said, had not realized the potential of digital learning until then. As normal classes were transformed into digital platforms, it opened up great possibilities for teachers and students alike.
Digital literacy also creates new ways to teach and learn within the classroom. Students are discovering new ways to interact with their interests online and through other digital media.
A few decades ago, computer use was mostly relegated to a handful of professions. Few people had their own computers, and the majority of computers were utilised as a tool at work. These days, there is at least one computer in every household, and most people have active accounts on Facebook or Twitter or at least an email address. Computers are so common in our society, it’s only natural that computer literacy should be prioritised.
Digital literacy is very important to education, because of assessing the quality of information. We live in an era where the majority of resources are moving online. And it comes in handy, helping students to study from anywhere in the world, which is especially useful during pandemics when all students have access to is online learning.
Within the classroom, digital literacy also creates new ways to teach and learn. Online and through other digital media, students are discovering new ways to interact with their interests. When it comes to reading or knowing more about their potential interests, they are no longer limited to printed material. So, they need a wide knowledge, and they depend on digital platforms.
One essential component of digital literacy when it comes to the field of pedagogy is deep learning, of which there are six core skills:
Collaboration: The ability to work collaboratively with others, with strong interpersonal and team-related skills.
Creativity: Being able to weigh up opportunities in an entrepreneurial manner and ask the right questions to generate new ideas.
Critical thinking: Being able to evaluate information and arguments, identify patterns and connections, and construct meaningful knowledge and apply it in the real world.
Citizenship: The ability to consider issues and solve complex problems based on a deep understanding of diverse values and a worldview.
Character: Traits such as grit, tenacity, perseverance, and resilience; alongside a desire to make learning an integral part of living.
Communication: Being able to communicate effectively through a variety of methods and tools to a range of different audiences.
Digital and information literacy are crucial characteristics of a global citizen who understands how to use technology effectively. Despite this, the majority of people lack this literacy, including students, who are often thought to be more tech-savvy.
However, there is no denying that students’ digital and information literacy has an impact on their future achievement. Students who are digitally literate can assess the quality of information, take advantage of lifelong learning, and, as a result, advance in their future careers and differentiate themselves from the competitors.
Digital and information literacy should be taught in every school in both developed and poor countries. This is the only way for any society to continue to thrive, and with the rapid progress of technology and its impact on all existing jobs, it is critical that digital and information literacy become a priority as soon as feasible.