Scholarships and closer ties for ASEAN & Aus

A comprehensive bilateral meeting between Australia and Southeast Asia marked the introduction of scholarships and fellowships for ASEAN students. Over 75 scholarships, dubbed Aus4ASEAN, will be awarded as part of a new era of collaboration with the region, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese stated during the Australia ASEAN Summit on March 4–7. Australian institutions will support […]

Australian visa slowdown: MP says we want “sustainable growth.”

Due to increased scrutiny of visa applications, Australian MP Julian Hill has informed that the nation is currently going through a “transition period” in the issuing of visas. He clarified that the nation aims to punish the operators who are damaging the industry’s reputation. It is unlikely that visa acceptance will rise to its prior […]

Australia: University College status for SAE’s CMI

The Creative Media Institute at SAE in Australia has been named a University College, according to an announcement. In late December 2023, SAE, which has six campuses spread across five Australian states and one international campus in Dubai, was formally registered as a University College, according to the college. CEO Joseph Anthonysz hailed it as […]

Australia: students awaiting visas are advised to cancel their college applications

Australian universities are advising prospective students to withdraw their applications prior to the Department of Home Affairs returning their visas. The University of Wollongong and at least one other university that isn’t named have instructed prospective students to withdraw their applications because they don’t think they would be able to meet the increased visa requirements […]

Australia Says: “International students are too high.”

The number of students is currently “too high,” according to a former Australian minister who had previously marketed the nation as a “destination of choice for international students.” The half a million student applications this year are a “record,” according to Dan Tehan, the shadow immigration minister, who spoke with Sky News Australia. “We believe […]