Art Education

Visual Art and its Relevance in Education System
Visual Art and its Relevance in Education System

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life”                                                                – Pablo Picasso While the world is running behind to develop a fully digitalized, technologically innovative world, there is an important fact which has been left out. It is art. Being an artist or studying art involves creativity, critical thinking, aesthetics, and several other […]

Role of Theatre in Personality Development
Role of Theatre in Personality Development

We have been living in such a phase where the relationship between education and humans have started to have new dimensions formed. Today’s educational policies have made education a mere practice that secures a job rather than imparting knowledge. The base of all this is the need to fulfil the scientific requirements of human life. […]

Integrating the Arts in Education
Integrating the Arts in Education

It is rightly said by Gavin Newsom, the current Governor of California that “An arts education helps build academic skills and increase academic performance, while also providing alternative opportunities to reward the skills of children who learn differently.” Going with the simple definition, art is the expression of human creative skill and imagination in the […]

Creativity can be described as letting go of certainties
Creativity can be described as letting go of certainties

Creativity and hands-on practical process to innovate, vision and discover exclusive solutions to problems while bolstering divergent thinking. 21st century expects children to think critically and creatively, communicate their ideas and be risk takers. Our curriculum prevents children from taking the plunge into the uncertainty therefore Learning has ended up as a journey of unmindful […]