Courses & Learning

NEP & the Politics of Exclusion

34 years later, a new national education policy has taken shape in the country. The Central Cabinet has approved a policy document that undermines the values of the existing education sector. Education determines the destiny of a country, and a significant policy change in this domain without parliamentary debate is clearly undemocratic. Though the first […]

Implementation of NEP in our education system
Implementation of NEP in our Education System

The Union cabinet in July 2020 approved the New Education Policy (NEP), which aims at universalization of education from pre-school to secondary level. NEP-2020, which will replace the National Policy on Education-1986, is an inclusive framework focusing on the elementary-level of education to higher education in the country. As the objective of any education system […]

NEP 2020 to revamp Indian education sector through appropriate interventions
NEP 2020 to Revamp Indian Education Sector Through Appropriate Interventions

National educational policy 2020 released after 34 of years of existing educational system has taken into account the changing trends in education and career sector across the globe. At a time when services sector supersedes primary agriculture and secondary industrial sectors, this assumes more significant. NEP envisages in improving the quality of education at different […]

Pandemic & Policy - Paving the way ahead
Pandemic & Policy – Paving the Way Ahead

Although arrived coincidentally around the same time, the influx of COVID-19 pandemic and the introduction of the National Education Policy have changed in their own ways, the dynamics of India’s entire education sector. The Universities and institutions have now adapted to the naturally imposed pandemic and the elaborately planned NEP by redefining their academic strategies. […]

NEP2020: A few hits and misses
NEP 2020 – Delivering Right to Education, In the Right Way

“Though we are free from the rulers, our mindsets are still cuffed around the belief of their superiority over ours”. This is probably the reason why we let our ages old practice of Gurukuls be replaced by an education system that our modern society aligns its aspirations with. While a university degree could be considered […]