Schools & Colleges

Inclusion of Space Education in NEP
Inclusion of Space Education in NEP

Centuries ago, man acquired knowledge about space, the universe, and stars in his eagerness to know what is beyond earth. In this era when nations are advancing with rapid advancement in science and technology and human footprints are expanding beyond our planet, inclusion of space education programs as vocational training in India’s National Education Policy […]

Importance of Humane Education in School Curriculum
Importance of Humane Education in School Curriculum

Humane Education refers to a teaching approach that fosters empathy and compassion for animals, humans, and the environment. When students are taught kindness, compassion, and respect for nature and other creatures, just like humans, it not only has a positive impact on animals, but also improves society as a whole. By teaching the new generation […]

ancient gurukula system
Enabling solution-Driven leaders with the aid of IKS

“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.” Socrates believed that knowledge dissemination was meant to be a two-way street, it was meant to be collaborative, interactive, and learning is a lifelong adventure, not something that has an expiry date. In the ancient gurukula system, which dates to many thousands […]

Kerala's Education System: The state of Inclusion to Exclusion Education
Kerala’s Education System: The state of Inclusion to Exclusion Education

Kerala is a state that has achieved all the millennium development goals set for education well in advance. It is also the first state to achieve universal literacy.  School dropouts in Kerala are very low. The state has managed to reduce the wide disparity in literacy and enrollment at all levels between the Malabar region […]

Gender Inclusion: A Guide to Teachers
Gender Inclusion: A Guide to Teachers

Students all over the world identify across a full spectrum of gender identities and gender expressions. Educational institutions should be environments that encourage the full involvement of students of all genders and take action in response to the detrimental effects of gender stereotyping and misgendering on student learning. Any discipline’s instructors can encourage gender inclusion […]