Mental Health

How Does Mental Health Affect Your Physical Health
How Does Mental Health Affect Your Physical Health?

Our mental health and physical health are closely related. Because our thoughts and moods may seem abstract or separate from our physical state, but they all happen as part of our brain activity. A correlation has been shown between physical health and mental well-being. These two levels of health are not separate entities, rather they […]

Empowering Minds Essential Tools and Resources for Mental Health Support
Empowering Minds: Essential Tools and Resources for Mental Health Support

Do you pay attention to your own health? Do you take care of your mind? Do you really take care of your mental, social, emotional and physical health? It is normal and okay to feel upset, anxious or confused at times. But it is essential to seek support when it is out of hand. Like […]

Why do Students Need Mental Health Support and Awareness
Why do Students Need Mental Health Support and Awareness?

“Mental health is a state of well-being that enables people to cope with life’s stressors, realize their potential, learn, perform well and contribute to their communities.”, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). This means that mental health is essential throughout our lives, from childhood to adolescence, adulthood to old age. Understanding mental health and […]

Technology and Social Media Impact on Children’s Mental Health
Technology and Social Media Impact on Children’s Mental Health

In an era where technology is seamlessly integrated into daily life, people of all ages spend a significant amount of time on social media. Everyone is so busy in their own world that they are barely cognizant of what is happening around them. Children are growing up in a digital landscape vastly different from that […]

Mental Health in Education
An Unspoken Issue; Mental Health in Education

“A child’s mental health is just as important as their physical health and deserves the same quality of support” – These words of Kate Middleton are very important in today’s era. A person’s mental health is just as important as physical health. But mental health has long been a topic surrounded by stigma and misconceptions.  […]