Employability Skills

Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) Banking and Finance Sector  
Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) Banking and Finance Sector  

‘Educated unemployment’ is a serious issue of this era. This refers to the inability of the educated population to adapt to an industrial working environment. Education alone is not enough to get a good job nowadays. Along with education, it is essential that every person has access to skill education. The fast-changing global work environment […]

Importance of Employability Skills in a Job
Importance of Employability Skills in a Job

The employment market is more competitive nowadays. Employers are now looking for employability skills in their potential workers in addition to subject matter competence. Technology is constantly changing, and if you are unable to upskill to stay relevant in your field, you will inevitably fall behind your colleagues. Another reason why many people are having […]

Soft Skills in a Hard Skills Industry
Soft Skills in a Hard Skills Industry

For most people, a large part of their life is spent in the workplace. Your work environment has a direct effect on the quality of life you lead. And since most jobs will not be done in solitude, but will be carried out in teams, your success rests on working with other people to achieve […]

A bird’s-eye view on soft skills
A bird’s-eye view on soft skills

“I would care less about the marksheet, certificates or if they have a degree at all, and care more about the skills that an employee brings with.” We were a little taken aback by this remark from the HR manager of a renowned company when asked about their priority while hiring an employee. In fact, […]