Education & Technology

Hassles faced while teaching online, in the Government  and Aided Schools of Kerala
Hassles faced while teaching online, in the Government  and Aided Schools of Kerala

As the world is learning to cope with the Pandemic, the world of Education has undoubtedly seen a drastic change. Online teaching has enabled students to connect with their teachers, without compromising their health. However, the Aided and Government schools of Kerala have many hurdles to cross. While the CBSE and affluent private schools of […]

Are We Ready for a Huge Change in Learning Methods
Are We Ready for a Huge Change in Learning Methods

Analysing the new National Education Policy(NEP) 2020 “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”- Nelson Mandela Education is the acquisition of knowledge, the process of training the mind, character and also it is a process of developing skills. The National Education Policy establishes specific priority on the advancement […]

Innovative strategies for conducting exams amid COVID-19
Innovative strategies for conducting exams amid COVID-19

Covid -19 Pandemic had a deep impact on worldwide functioning. It has changed the worlds existing or traditional working systems in all areas including Education Sector and online teaching and learning became the new normal complying to the norms of digital education. Covid 19 has brought a revolutionary change in Education. It has been a […]

Focus on safeguarding the mental health and wellbeing of students amidst the pandemic
Against all odds : why the Class of 2020 might be the strongest students we’ve ever produced

As we near the end of the school year, graduation ceremonies look set to be yet another casualty of COVID. Yet if any cohort deserves the tears and cheers of a full ceremony, it’s this year’s Year 12s. There’s the obvious reason of course. Coronavirus has wreaked havoc on their final and, arguably, most significant […]

Exploring trends defining the new era of education
Exploring trends defining the new era of education

The year 2020 can be rightfully looked on as the water-shed year for education. When the pandemic hit the world, everything came to a standstill. So did education. But not for long. Technology came to the rescue and online education saved the day, at least as far as helping learning to continue was concerned.  Over […]