Schools & Colleges

Right to Inclusive Education  
Right to Inclusive Education

Inclusive education is one of the rights of persons with disabilities. The Right to Education Act and the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act mandate an education system that is inclusive of all students, regardless of their abilities or needs. Inclusive education training is the subject matter training that brings people with disabilities to the […]

Goals of Inclusive Education
Goals of Inclusive Education

Increasing student participation in learning and eliminating exclusion from and within the educational system are two ways that inclusive education seeks to address and meet the unique needs of all children, according to UNESCO (Nguyet and Ha 2010). The process of expanding the presence, involvement, and achievement of all students is known as inclusive education […]

Inclusive Education in India
Inclusive Education in India

Inclusive education is a new approach to education that emphasises access to education under one roof for traditionally excluded groups – especially children with and without disabilities and those who speak minority languages etc.  Simply put, inclusive education can greatly help reduce discrimination against children with disabilities and promote equality, access and rights to education […]

How Can Schools Be Inclusive
How Can Schools Be Inclusive?

Everyone benefits from inclusivity in schools by feeling secure, respected, and appreciated. Regardless of individual distinctions like disabilities, race, cultural background, economic situation, or any other factor, all children should feel included in the learning process. Everybody benefits from the effectiveness, productivity, and strength of an inclusive school. In inclusive settings, students perform better academically […]

Media Literacy; in School and Society
Media Literacy; in School and Society

Today, as we live in a world immersed in media, it is very essential to have a basic knowledge of media. Media literacy is the ability that we need to think critically about what we see, read, and hear. It helps to analyse information from different perspectives. The National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) […]