Special Education

How To Teach | Effective Methods To Improve Slow Learning
How To Teach Slow Learners And Effective Methods To Improve Slow Learning

It is the duty of an educational institution and its teachers to find out the children who are backward in learning and understand their problems and help them.  In every class, there will be some slow learners. However, with a little extra care and attention, these slow learners can catch up with other students. You […]

Remedial Education & Special Education
Remedial Education & Special Education: Not the Same

When coping with their children’s learning challenges, parents often don’t know what kind of assistance they should look for. In light of various experiments, researchers have found that parents are unsure if their children need special education or remedial education. Despite the frequent interchangeability of these names, there is a significant distinction between the contexts […]

special education
They Deserve the Best

As humans, it is their basic right to an equal opportunity to receive an education. Everyone has the right to education and children with special needs also deserve the same. They must not be isolated from others and keep away from the education that other students receive. Since their way of learning is different from […]

All About Special Education
All About Special Education

Special education is providing various aids to help children with disabilities. Special education stands as support in their learning, activities, and routines. There is no unitary or universal approach to special education. Special Needs refer to the special educational requirements for those with learning disabilities, emotional or behavioral problems, or physical disabilities It is customized […]

Importance of Special Education for Special Children
Importance of Special Education for Special Children

One of the most controversial issues facing educators today is the topic of educating students with disabilities, specifically through the concept of inclusion. Inclusion is defined as having every student be a part of the classroom all working together no matter if the child has a learning disability or not. With the advent of modernization, […]