Special Education

Special Education
They are Learning….

Spinal Muscular Atrophy is the most common genetic disease of the spinal motor neuron. MinD is an organization that works for those who suffer from such diseases. MinD– Mobility in Dystrophy, a nascent fellowship of patients of Muscular Dystrophy and Spinal Muscular Atrophy across Kerala, is an organisation of a handful of people who makes the famous saying “If […]

5 Tips for Mothers With Children Having Learning Disabilities

Every parent has dreams and aspirations for their child and you are no different. It is absolutely necessary to ensure that your child is able to maximise his potential. You will need to define that potential so that you are able to guide him with realistic expectations. While you prepare your child for the real […]

The Role of Occupational Therapy to Empower Children With Learning Disabilities
The Role of Occupational Therapy to Empower Children With Learning Disabilities

To understand this lets first understand what is LEARNING DISABILITIY and what is OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY LEARNING DISABILITIES are conditions that affect an individual’s ability to understand or use spoken or written language, do mathematical calculations, coordinate movements, or direct attention. These individuals have a difficulty in understanding new or complex information i.e. learning new skills. Although learning disabilities occur in very young […]

Disruptive Reflections
Disruptive Reflections: The Rise of Tech-Motivated Learning Spaces

By Abhilash R – Founder & CEO, Bloombloom The year 2013 saw an alternative pedagogy erupt on a 4th Street in San Francisco in the United States of America, headed by a former Google employee by the name Max Ventilla. Funded by revered names in the technology biome, including that of Mark Zuckerberg and Andressen […]

4 Ways Children With Learning Disabilities Can Stress-Free During Exam Season
4 Ways Children With Learning Disabilities Can Stress-Free During Exam Season

Piya Marker, Director – Head of School, The Aditya Birla Integrated School Exams mean different things to different people. For students it is an ordeal, and for parents it is a gateway to their child’s career. During this stressful time, students with learning difficulties may be prone to suffering from exam stress. They can experience […]