Change Your Choice: Bridge Courses

Have you ever thought of changing your career? Or have you come across any other career option that suits you more than your current stream but you don’t have the educational qualification that job demands? That is where bridge courses come to the forefront. The 36th edition of Education Today will have its focus themed […]

Career Planning: Objectives and Methodology

The constant evolution of our education system has had a significant impact in our job market. There is this unavoidable perplexity surrounded due to the endless number of courses, roles and industries. How do you channel your skills, talents and interests along with the confusions that buzz your head in the right way so that […]

Representation of Women in Malayalam Cinema
Representation of Women in Malayalam Cinema

The ‘fair’ representation of women in cinema is still in question. Cinema has become hugely significant in studies related to the social position of women because the female characters on screen come to represent not an individual but a category. This visual medium has a gripping influence on the public and plays a crucial role […]

Importance of Sex education in schools

Sex or sexuality education is an integral part in every individual’s development but is still considered a taboo in many Indian schools. The misconception in the society that promoting sex education in schools would misguide students is  still lingering while this is the only way to teach and educate students about the right to make […]

The Trends In Computer Literacy

Covid-19 has set new standards for all realms of our society. From educational institutions to the governing sector, every process has been turned digital to keep up with the change that the pandemic  has brought. The enhanced efficiency computers provide has made the overall experience of a person uncomplicated. The 30th edition of Education Today […]